Meaning of (मान लेना) man lena in english

As noun : pretend Ex:  Coping, do while, pretend
accede assent Ex:  The King then has another 30 days to give the royal assent say Ex:  Castiglione explains it further: And what say you to the game at chestes? guess Ex:  We guess that they are coming from our neighbouring planet . give Ex:  It gave more concessions to the Irish than the British had intended to give seize upon take it as read take as read bite
As verb : accept Ex:  She refuses to accept his death and kisses him. concede agree Ex:  Historians and scholars generally agree recognize Ex:  He queried of Demosthenes: "And the born traitor—how shall we recognize him? understand Ex:  In Nepal everybody understand Hindi. submit Ex:  I will submit your request him write off admit Ex:  Hiding something to oneself, not to admit it or not recognize the posit abide by acquiesce suppose Ex:  " "Well, I suppose not but even so, what of that? presume Ex:  It means sometimes presume
Other : to admit Ex:  It is also said, in terms of Palace admit someone to show, to admit evidence accede to to presume to assent defer Ex:  Stopping they wore would defer to say tribunals and knowledgeable people to to accede to grant Ex:  However, Ireland has taken steps to grant equal rights for its gay citizens. to postulate to affirm Ex:  I will answer says more familiarly to affirm one thing to profess to concede yeild to yield take for granted to assume Ex:  It also means to assume Let immune to change to suppose to defer Ex:  Submit one thing to judgment, criticism of someone, Commit to defer to the judgment he will affirm Ex:  I will answer says more familiarly to affirm one thing acceptance Ex:  He had no wit, no humour, no vivacity, in our acceptance of these terms. assume Ex:  So, we assume that people in Bengal always spoke Bengali . acknowledge Ex:  It makes you acknowledge to submit Ex:  It means particularly in terms of Arts, a Big stone roller, wood or metal that is used to submit things to a uniform pressure grant Ex:  However, Ireland has taken steps to grant equal rights for its gay citizens. avow allow Ex:  Current regulations allow for parking on pavements postulate yield submission Ex:  Scheduling a submission
Suggested : to give consent, approval, or adherence agree assent to accede to a request to accede to the terms of a contract to have the same views, emotions, etc harmonize in opinion or feeling (often followed by with ) to acknowledge as true, just, or proper admit to take or receive (something offered) receive with approval or favor to cause or attempt to cause (what is not so) to seem so
Exampleमान लेना का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
Usage of मान लेना:
1. यहां पर किसी से भी कनेक्ट होने के रिक्वेस्ट को मान लेना बड़ी आम बात हैamarujala.com2. तो इसलिए रणवीर ने कहा हार मान लेना शब्द मेरी डिक्शनरी में नहीं LiveHindustan
(मान लेना) man lena can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 8 including consonants matras. Transliteration : maana lenaa

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